News Header April 2021
















In This Issue

  • Comp Alliance Issues Safe Workplace Award
  • Comp Alliance Member Loyalty Award
  • Claim Reporting Portal
  • Meet Your Comp Alliance Underwriting Team
  • Comp Alliance Sponsors and Exhibits at the NYCOM Fall Training School
  • Police and Fire Workplace Safety Webinars
  • Safety Considerations – Employees Who Work From Home
  • Stay Informed

Comp Alliance Issues Safe Workplace Award

The Comp Alliance is pleased to announce a second consecutive year distributing a Safe Workplace Award to eligible members. The Safe Workplace Award Program is a monetary award that benefits current Comp Alliance members who have had positive loss experience and contributed to the financial well-being of the program during a given policy year.

The Comp Alliance Board of Trustees appreciates its members that continue to perform well and have contributed to its continued success. As a result, the Comp Alliance, for a second time, distributed a portion of its surplus to eligible current members. The second disbursements of the award totaling nearly $700,000 were recently sent to the qualified January renewal members for their performance during the 2020 policy year.

As the Comp Alliance continues its history of predictable rates and financial stability, we are proud to be in a position to give back to the members. In the past three years, the Comp Alliance has distributed annual Loyalty Award checks, two Safe Workplace Awards, Workforce Reduction Credit checks and tens of thousands of face masks to its members throughout the state.

The Comp Alliance Board of Trustees will continue to evaluate the program's financial condition on an annual basis and determine eligibility for the program going forward.

Comp Alliance Issues Member Loyalty Award

In appreciation of those members that have stood by the Comp Alliance and contributed to its continued success, the Comp Alliance has recently distributed a portion of its surplus to members through the Member Loyalty Award.  Those members who renewed their coverage in June and July recently received the third round of this special monetary award.

The Member Loyalty Award reflects recognition by the Board of Trustees of fiscal challenges faced by municipalities and provides a tangible benefit of municipal cooperation by returning funds to local governments and schools for the betterment of their communities. The Loyalty Award amounts were based on the individual member’s longevity of membership with the Comp Alliance and its annual funding contribution. 

When the Alliance was formed in the early 1990’s, municipalities in New York struggled to annually budget for unpredictable workers’ compensation costs. The Comp Alliance offers its members budgetary stability and the opportunity to achieve significant savings by sharing the costs of workers’ compensation insurance.  Today, the Comp Alliance has more than 320 members, $41 million in contributions and more than $60 million surplus to help maintain long-term financial stability. 

With sponsorship and oversight by the Association of Towns of the State of New York and the New York State Conference of Mayors, the Comp Alliance’s mission remains the same as it was 27 years ago —ensuring members are able to meet their long-term workers’ compensation liabilities while maintaining stable funding contributions.

Claim Reporting Portalonboard logo

The Comp Alliance recently introduced a claim reporting portal which provides members with access to the ATS System allowing users to:

  • Enter first report of injury (FROI)
  • Print the New York Workers’ Compensation Board Employer’s First Report of Work-Related Injury/Illness (C2-F) – a copy will be emailed to the user upon submission of the claim
  • Upload additional supporting documentation to the claim
  • Instantly receive a claim number
  • Access the following:
    • Basic claim data
    • Claim reports
    • Transactions
    • Pay history and reports
    • Claim reserves
    • Claim notes

Comp Alliance Members can receive login credentials, more information and access instructions by contacting Howard Bitner, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meet Your Comp Alliance Underwriting Team 

The Comp Alliance and Wright Risk Management congratulate Maureen Gale on her recent retirement and thank her for her service and dedication to the program.  Maureen was most recently the Comp Alliance’s Vice President of Underwriting, handling the Comp Alliance underwriting duties for the better part of the last two decades and was an instrumental part of the program's success and growth over the years, from a few dozen members to well over 300. Congratulations Maureen on your retirement! ​

Let us take a moment now to introduce the Underwriting Team:

Jennifer Weible was promoted to the role of Director of Underwriting for the Comp Alliance. She joined the Underwriting Department in early 2019 and has been an integral part with assessing and evaluating both renewal members & new business. Jenn has also provided vital reporting used for program initiatives and has assisted upper management in making crucial decisions.

Jennifer looks forward to her new role & continuing to grow with the program while upholding the integrity of underwriting activities, processes & guidelines.

Tricia Murphy was recently promoted to Assistant Underwriter for the Comp Alliance. Tricia has been with Wright Risk Management for more than 5 years and looks forward to working with all members and brokers in this new role. Congratulations Tricia on your promotion.

Renee Gates has joined the department as an Assistant Underwriter for the Comp Alliance.  Although a new member of the WRM team, Renee’s background includes over 15 years of experience in the insurance industry.  Her professional passion is accompanied by her commitment, positive attitude & dedication to provide business solutions. 

We are happy to welcome her to the department and are excited to see all that she will accomplish in her new role with us!

Comp Alliance Sponsors and Exhibits at the NYCOM Fall Training Schoolfall training school

The Comp Alliance was excited to sponsor and exhibit at the NYCOM Fall Training School in late September. It was nice to see so many Village and City officials in person.

We would like to thank all who were able to attend the training school and look forward to seeing you at an upcoming conference.

Police and Fire Workplace Safety Webinars

The work of police officers and firefighters is inherently dangerous and filled with uncertainties from day to day. Preparation through the development and maintenance of a positive safety culture will help to assure that personnel act in a safe, professional manner regardless of the situation and conditions.

The Comp Alliance Risk Management team recently presented a webinar focusing on major safety hazards facing our member police and fire departments and controls to utilize in a maximum effort to keep employees safe. The webinars look at statistics on claims and fatalities along with their root contributing factors.

The Police and Fire Safety Webinars were recorded and members can view them along with the Power Point presentations by logging into the Comp Alliance Academy, Safety Webinars section.

Safety Considerations - Employees Who Work From Homework from home

With the expiration of the statewide state of emergency at the end of June, many municipalities in New York State have resumed operations at pre-COVID-19 conditions.  Departments operate at full capacity, summer recreation programs are open to residents, the general public attends meetings of municipal boards in-person, and field-work is performed without restrictions.  With the resumption of these operations, it is beneficial to reflect on the continued use of precautionary practices and procedures, work-from-home policies, and the lessons learned during the pandemic.

A number of precautionary practices and procedures became standard operating procedure during the state of emergency.  These practices include: increased cleaning and sanitizing of work spaces; social distancing for staff and the public; utilizing personal protective equipment (gloves and masks); and regular health screenings for employees.  Incorporating one, several or all of these practices in post-pandemic operations will help keep your employees healthy and your work environment safe.  As a general practice, improved hygiene can help prevent seasonal colds and other illnesses from spreading in the workplace.  Any time there is less illness in the workplace, the end result will be more productivity due to fewer sick days and down time.

In addition to maintaining the pandemic-related precautions, some municipalities may find a benefit in allowing employees to continue to work from home or otherwise outside the traditional workplace, instead of reporting to a municipal office.  Working from home can be a satisfying and rewarding experience for the employee and productive alternative for the municipality. And while there are many benefits to working from home, there are some pitfalls as well.  Below are a few of the lessons learned and best practices that developed during the past year and one-half.

Adopt a Comprehensive Work-From-Home Policy

A municipality looking to accommodate work-from-home or remote workplaces should adopt a policy that covers the terms and conditions of work performed outside of the office.  The policy should clearly state what employees are eligible and identify what duties and responsibilities are capable of being performed remotely.  A well-drafted policy provides employees with a clear understanding of the municipality’s expectations – performance, quality and productivity should not suffer when accommodating a remote workplace.  The policy should also prescribe the manner of supervision of, and communications with, remote employees.  Express in the policy that all other municipal employment policies (harassment prevention, workplace violence, leave policies, etc.) still apply to the employee, and employees are expected to maintain the same level of professional while working from home. 

In some instances, office equipment such as printers, mobile phones, scanners and laptops may be provided to employees to facilitate a remote workspace.  In those instances, the municipality should have an “Acceptable Use” provision (or a stand-alone policy if one does not already exist) that provides guidance on appropriate and incidental use of issued resources.  Employers should also consider how IT support will be provided to employees and how to maintain security, such as establishing a reliable and secured internet access through a virtual private network (VPN) or requiring dual-step authentication.

Establish a Designated Workspace at Home

Where possible, employees should designate a separate space for the completion of work as a means to “turn-on” and “turn-off” work duties. This is similar to a daily commute to and from an office each day when an employee can mentally prepare for the start of work and disengage at the end of a workday.  Arrange the workspace so it is ergonomically friendly, with adequate lighting, seating and computer locations.  Even the proper air temperature and air circulation is important for maintaining a productive work environment.  Often, the designated workspace will be shared with others, which require additional safety precautions that are discussed in more detail below. 

Minimize Common Distractions

While the average employee designated to work-from-home can maintain high levels of productivity and many people thrive in this environment, others may struggle to keep up with work demands and become distracted by the many offerings of daily home life.  Issues with child care, pets, spouses, home chores, etc., may be huge distractions that take employees away from the task-at-hand and cause work to be delayed or completed unsatisfactorily.  Managers should maintain communications with staff to avoid such behaviors. 

Maintain Affirmative Communications

An overlooked part of work-from-home is its impact on emotional and mental well-being of employees due to the absence of co-workers.  Human beings are a social species that rely heavily on cooperation to survive and thrive.  This includes the work environment, where co-workers can be motivated by good cooperation, communication, interaction and verbalization, and the failure of such can lead to diminished morale and productivity.  When restricted in human contact, many individuals fail to view work in a constructive manner and diminish the productivity and positivity of their work.  Managers, supervisors and co-workers should maintain contact with employees who do not report to an office environment on a routine basis.  Endeavor to communicate with them to affirm they are still part of the team, and their success benefits the municipal operations.  The benefits of routine contact include a feeling of belonging and increased mental state, as it reduces the sense of isolation.  Those that feel alone are more likely to suffer from depression-type symptoms and are more vulnerable to suffering illnesses, injuries and displaying inappropriate aggressive behaviors towards others.

Encourage Workplace Safety – At Home

Employers considering continuation of work-from-home should contemplate the potential for workplace injuries.  When staff is working from home, they still may have coverage like your in-house staff will.  If they trip and fall on their stairs at home, the potential of a workers’ compensation claim exists like it would if a highway worker fell on the stairs at the garage.  If employees are moving files or reconfiguring furniture or equipment around their home and they sustain an injury in this process, this could also result in a workers’ compensation claim, even though this process would usually be completed in the office by a contractor or highway employee with special tools such as a hand cart or lift.    Confirm with staff that home offices are being maintained in a safe manner, encourage self-inspections to recognize, reduce and remove hazards, and comply with safety regulations you have developed for these work-from-home positions.

Designated workspaces may be used by more than one person, or for more than one purpose, which also creates a risk of injury. A worker may be sharing that space with their 12-year-old’s science project, or their partner’s other hobbies or work. This commingling can lead to some awkward workspaces that contribute to injuries over time.  The workspace would not be customized to one individual which can lead to incorrect posture, poor screen position and different seating settings which could all accentuate repetitive stress injuries.  Additionally, as shared space becomes cramped, there is more opportunity for slips and falls or other related injuries.  As with any office or workspace, cleanliness is important for safety. 

Clearly Identify Job Duties

Work-from-home highlights the importance of developing clear guidance to identify work duties vs. non-work duties.  Employees working from home may have increased workplace injury exposure depending on duties of the job – do they have to maintain office supplies including printer ink and paper?  If so, their drive to and from the local stationary store might be considered work-related and therefore a workers’ comp exposure.  Be sure to work with your staff so they understand the dangers and responsibilities of maintaining a clean, safe workspace.

At home injuries present a blurred line between work and normal activities, and workers’ compensation decisions tend to favor the claimants in these situations.  Peripheral details of claim investigations are therefore even more crucial – attention must be paid to hospital emergency room reports, dates and times, ambulance records and all accounts provided by the injured workers. 

As we slowly turn-the-corner from this recent pandemic, the operations of townships are likely to be dramatically changed.  These new normal operations may consist of an increase in work-from-home personnel and so your municipal policies and procedures should reflect this potential change, encourage it where it can be beneficial, and promote the facet of a safe, healthy and productive at-home work environment.

Stay Informed

The Comp Alliance strives to keep members informed of the latest industry and program news. Please visit us at for the latest news, updated events calendar, safety articles, safety bulletins and more.

The Alliance also encourages members to visit us on Twitter @nycompalliance and Facebook.

Comp Alliance Claim Portal Announcement header













Click Here to access the Comp Alliance Claim Reporting Portal which provides program members with access to the ATS System allowing users to:

  • Enter first report of injury (FROI)
  • Print the New York Workers' Compensation Board Employer's First Report of Work=Related Injury/Illness (C2-F) - a copy will be emailed to the user upon submission of the claim
  • Upload additional supporting documentation to the claim
  • Instantly receive a claim number
  • Access the following:
    • Basic claim data
    • Claim reports
    • Transactions
    • Pay history and reports
    • Claim reserves
    • Claim notes

Comp Alliance members can receive login credentials, more information and access instructions by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today!

Program Members can also pdf click here (1.03 MB) to view and print the user guide.

The work of police officers and firefighters is inherently dangerous and filled with uncertainties from day to day. Preparation throughPolice Image 5 the development and maintenance of a positive safety culture will help to assure that personnel act in a safe, professional manner regardless of the situation and conditions. The Comp Alliance Risk Management team will present a webinar focusing on major safety hazards facing our member police and fire departments and controls to utilize in a maximum effort to keep employees safe. We will look at statistics on claims and fatalities along with their root contributing factors.

Please join us for the following webinars:

  • Police Department Safety Webinar, September 13, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 AM
  • Fire Fighter Safety Webinar, September 15, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 AMfirefighter

Please contact Robert Blaisdell by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register for either of these virtual webinar programs. We will also allow for a question and answer portion to address your concerns including controls during the continued pandemic conditions.

The beginning of the school year is always an exciting time for the entire school staff.  Given the continued pandemic conditionsbus pic and uncertainty about student and staff expectations, there is likely some apprehension as well. The ability to improvise, adapt and overcome will lead your educational program to a safe and productive school year. 

Personal safety and the ability to complete all job requirements in an effective and positive manner is important. 

The Comp Alliance will be sending out daily safety tips to our school district members the week of Monday, August 30th through Friday, September 3rd. These tips will serve as reminders to staff on the importance of safety, completing injury-free work and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the final preparations for opening day!

Daily School District Safety Tips (Now Available to Members by logging into the Comp Alliance School Academy and Visiting Safety Culture Talks)

August 30 – Importance of Effective Safety Committee Meetings

August 31 – Coaches - A Game Plan for Safety

September 1 – Custodians - Exposed to Hazardous Chemicals and Lifting Injuries

September 2 – Safety Orientation for School Bus Drivers

September 3 – Teacher Safety - Classroom Hazards to Avoid

Additional school safety information is available on the Comp Alliance website.

Reach out to Robert Blaisdell, Director of Loss Control for additional information, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., (518) 330-8591

News Header April 2021
















In This Issue

  • Comp Alliance Welcomes 17 New Members
  • Comp Alliance Sponsors and Attends NYCOM Annual Conference
  • The NYS Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) Announces New Medical Portal Program
  • Drug Free Workplace Concerns with Legalization of Marijuana
  • Police Safety for Crowd Control
  • Daily Police and Firefighter Safety Tips
  • Manage Heat Stress in the Workplace
  • Stay Informed

Comp Alliance Welcomes 17 New Members

With a focus on member service and long term workers’ compensation funding stability the Comp Alliance has continued its steady growth by adding 17 new members thus far in 2021. We are especially proud of our $61.2 million surplus, which demonstrates that the policies and initiatives taken by the board are producing strong fiscal results. We are now over 315 members strong, and many program members have opted for our multi-year terms as they are seeking long-term rate predictability, bringing budget stability to their communities.

We are excited to welcome the following new members and look forward to delivering industry leading service and long term funding stability to each:

Maine Endwell CSD

Norwich City School District

Otselic Valley CSD

Town of Ashland – Greene County

Town of Concord

Town of Esperance

Town of Little Falls

Town of Rensselaerville

Town of Ulysses

Village of Floral Park

Village of Hillburn VFD

Village of Manlius

Village of Mineola

Village of North Collins

Village of Speculator

Walton CSD

Waverly CSD

Comp Alliance Sponsors and Attends NYCOM Annual ConferenceFireworks

The Comp Alliance, as a Diamond Sponsor of NYCOM, was excited to participate as the fireworks show sponsor at the 2021 New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting which was held at the Sagamore in Bolton Landing, NY in early June. 

We would like to thank all who were able to attend the show and look forward to seeing you at an upcoming conference.


NYS WCB Announces New Medical Portal Programonboard logo

As part of its ambitious new business information system called Onboard, in which the WCB will eventually transition all workers’ compensation claim functions to an electronic domain, the WCB has announced the next step in the process will be the introduction of a Medical Portal, due for activation this coming Fall. The medical portal is designed to overcome many of the basic drawbacks of a paper system. It will allow for greater tracking ability of requests for authorization, quicker payment of medical bills, more complete and compliant requests for authorization from health care providers, will eliminate requests which are sent in the mail or through a fax and become lost and provides a quicker resolution process for disputes. A dashboard will be available for users to easily view the status of requests and dispute resolutions. 

The medical portal will be available to health care providers, medical benefit payers like Wright Risk Management, pharmacy benefit managers and medical review organizations. Medical portal access is granted to payers based on eClaims Trading Partner information.

The chief goal of the portal is to streamline the process for resolving prior authorization requests (PARs) which fall out of the Medical Treatment Guidelines (MTGs). If the health provider is satisfied that the treatment falls within the MTGs, no authorization request is necessary.

The portal will be available for use by treating physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, dentists, audiologists and optometrists. Some of the processes that will be included in the portal program include:

  • MTG Variances – These represent requests for treatment that exceed the recommended treatment or testing levels outlined in the MTGs
  • DME – Durable Medical Equipment requests (like wheelchairs, braces, TENS units, etc.) which may not fall within the DME formularies are funneled through the medical portal.
  • Treatment over $1,000.00 -- These involve requests for treatment for parts of the body that are not covered by the Medical Treatment Guidelines. There is additional approval process for treatment that is under $1,000.00 for these types of body parts.
  • MTG Confirmation – This process provides a pathway for users to confirm that a particular mode or frequency of treatment is allowed under the MTGs
  • Medication Requests –This will include the replacement of the current NY Workers Compensation Drug Formulary and a revamped approval process for non-formulary prescription requests.

To ensure that Wright Risk Management is in compliance with the requirements of the new Medical Portal program, our management team has already taken part in training to familiarize itself with the portal, and we have enlisted and registered portal workload administrators and reviewers with the WCB. Additional training will be provided to our adjusters as the rollout of the program nears.

Drug-Free Workplace Concerns with the Legalization of Marijuana drug free

New York State has recently passed legislation legalizing adult-use cannabis – the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA).  The bill (S.854-A/A1248-A) establishes the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) to cover medical, adult-use and cannabinoid hemp.  This new legislation offers vast changes to state laws concerning the possession, sale, and use of marijuana.  The concern for municipal administrators is how do these changes affect your workforce and the ability for workers to perform work safely without being under the influence of drugs and alcohol, as those workers who are under the influence are more prone to cause a workplace accident and file a workers’ compensation claim.  The legislation takes effect immediately however the production and sale of recreational-use marijuana is not expected to become legal for another year or two in the state.

The answers to many issues related to cannabis use are still unknown, but the simple response to concerns of employees working while under the influence, is to update your existing drug-free workplace policy.   The law does not limit the authority of employers to enact or enforce policies pertaining to drug use in the workplace, including use during working hours, while on company property and while using company equipment/vehicles.  Let’s first examine what the law currently permits: 


  • possess 3 ounces or less of marijuana in a public place
  • possess up to 5 pounds of marijuana in their residence
  • possess higher amounts of marijuana if prescribed by a doctor
  • give lawful amounts of marijuana to other people who are 21 or over so long as no compensation is exchanged
  • smoke marijuana almost anywhere that cigarette smoking is allowed. Including on sidewalks, on front stoops, and other public places.

Municipalities should now be reviewing your existing Drug-Free Workplace Policy and update wording relating to marijuana use with the knowledge of this recent legislation and the potential for consequences for policy violation, especially related to marijuana possession and testing procedures.  Any policy upgrades should be completed with legal counsel review and approval.  Policy improvements may be called for in the areas of drug testing criteria, drug testing methods, and responding to positive results - including adverse employment action response.

Additional information regarding the employers’ rights under reasonable suspicion procedures and post-accident drug and alcohol testing situations may also need to be updated.    The Office of Cannabis Management has been assigned the task of implementing workplace safety protections for these situations and the Comp Alliance will keep our members posted of any progress in these vital safety areas.

Added safety concerns regarding potential marijuana use in the workplace include the operation of motor vehicles.  The New York State Department of Health will work with institutions of higher education to conduct a controlled research study designed to evaluate methodologies and technologies for the detection of cannabis-impaired driving. After completion of the research study, DOH may create and implement rules and regulations to approve and certify a test for the presence of cannabis in drivers.  The legislation includes additional funding for drug recognition experts and law enforcement to ensure safe roadways.

The use of cannabis by drivers will remain prohibited and will carry the same penalties as it does currently.

The MRTA allows employers to continue to prohibit and take adverse action due to an employee being “under the influence” in the workplace.  The MRTA states that an employee is “under the influence” of cannabis use when the “employee manifests specific articulable symptoms while working that decrease or lessen the employee’s performance of the duties or tasks of the employee’s job position, or such specific articulable symptoms interfere with an employer’s obligations to provide a safe and healthy work place, free from recognized hazards, as required by state and federal occupational safety and health law.”

There remain several questions and concerns for municipalities with the passage of this legislation and the State has much work to do to provide structure and guidance of the law.  However, as the law is current, a review of your drug-free workplace policy with legal counsel is in order, as well as a clear discussion with your staff on the town’s policy and drug-free workplace expectations.

Police Safety for Crowd Control

NYS schools are on summer break, people are gathering for events in every municipality.  Concerts, sporting events and festivals are resuming with the drop in COVID rates and police officers are often called upon as a presence for these events to deter crime and to control crowds.  After a year without gatherings being allowed, it is a good time to dig out and dust off your operating procedures and update as needed. Refresh your officers on safety training and use of force during these events.

Communicate: If your agency has a Public Information Officer (PIO) they will be able to help share information with the public and coordinate with local media to alert the public to the impacts of traffic flow, road closures and police direction.

Prepare: Consider use of personal protective equipment, crowd control tools and equipment and know what is available and appropriate for use during demonstrations or other high conflict events.

Review: Appoint a command team or leader to work with other agencies during events. Review policies on arrests and citations in high visibility events keeping in mind the safety of the public and discretionary actions.  

Gather Information: Designate an officer or staff to monitor social media for potential demonstrations, escalations, or public safety threats and compile information for analysis regarding future events.

Staffing: Consider shared service opportunities with neighboring police agencies, swing shifts, mandatory overtime, cancellation of leave and non-essential travel, if needed to assure proper coverage of essential duties during events.  Evaluate what services require an on-scene police presence versus those that can be handled by hired security staff, remotely or delayed.

Having a policy that addresses the diverse nature of gatherings is recommended.  Protections needed to keep personnel safe and assist during a demonstration will have components that may or may not be needed during another type of event. A parade, a street fair with closed roads will require engineering and planning that differs from a sporting event.  Engage with your Municipalities to gather information on what events or crowd gatherings may be on the horizon for the 2021 Summer Season. 

For information on developing your policies the IACP has some excellent resources here: Crowd Management Policy - 2019.pdf (

Daily Police and Firefighter Safety Tips

Police Officer Safety Tips

In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Offers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls as National Police Week. National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives on duty for the safety and protection of others.

To honor all our members, their law enforcement officers, and those police officers who have lost their lives serving their local community, the Comp Alliance recognized National Police Week by posting Police Department Safety Tips daily. The week-long event was a reminder to our law enforcement members to remain safety conscious. Comp Alliance Members can access the safety tips by visiting and signing in to the Comp Alliance Academy.

The 2021 Daily Police Officer Safety Tip Topics Included:

  • May 10 – Promote Officer Health and Wellness through regular safety screenings
  • May 11 – Safe Police Vehicle Operations
  • May 12 – Summer Exposures for Police Officers
  • May 13 – Bike Patrol Safety
  • May 14 – Protection From Animal Exposures

Firefighter Safety Tips -

Independence Day celebrations often include backyard barbecues, festivities with families and friends and often involve fireworks. The use of fireworks during this observation can lead to devastating injuries and the statistics related to fires, deaths and injuries from their misuse are staggering.  During the days and weeks surrounding July 4th, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 11,000 injuries requiring hospital visits or stays will occur, mostly from burns or hand injuries.  The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates about 18,500 fires will be caused by fireworks, including structure fires and vehicle fires. 

This year, the Comp Alliance produced safety tips for fire departments and their members for the week leading up to the holiday. The focus was on pertinent health and safety exposures facing firefighters during these mid-summer conditions.  Starting on Monday, June 28 we sent out a Safety Tip-of-the-Day to remind our first responders the importance of maintaining a positive work environment.  This starts first and foremost with your firefighter’s personal health and fitness.  Please share these tips with all relevant municipal personnel in an effort to improve safety and minimize injuries during summer celebrations.

Daily Firefighter Safety Tips to include:

  • June 28 – Promote Firefighter Health and Wellness
  • June 29 – Summer Exposures for Firefighters
  • June 30 – Safe Operation of Firefighting Vehicles
  • July 1 – Accountability Systems and Operations
  • July 2 – Dangers of Fireworks and Injury Potential

These and more safety tips are available for program members by visiting and signing into the Comp Alliance Academy’s Safety Culture Talks.

Manage Heat Stress in the Workplace

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers have a responsibility to ensure employees are provided a safe working environment. Addressing sun safety is an essential part of this. When it comes to health in the workplace, prevention is far better than the cure.

The most effective way for employers to protect employees from contracting skin cancer is to provide sun safety measures in the workplace. Implementing a comprehensive sun protection program can prevent sun-related injuries and reduce the suffering and costs associated with skin cancer.  Look to have employees spend some time in the shade, away from direct sunlight, wear protective clothing, and apply sunscreen routinely, while working outdoors. 

Millions of U.S. workers are exposed to heat in their workplaces. Although illness from exposure to heat is preventable, every year thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure, and some cases are fatal. Most outdoor fatalities (50% to 70%) occur in the first few days of working in warm or hot environments because the body needs to build a tolerance to the heat gradually over time – this process is called acclimatization.

Occupational risk factors for heat illness include heavy physical activity, warm or hot environmental conditions, lack of acclimatization, and wearing clothing that holds in body heat. Hazardous heat exposure can occur indoors or outdoors, and can occur during any season if the conditions are right, not only during heat waves.   Employees that work outdoors in warm weather, work near heat sources such as ovens, fires, or hot tar, perform strenuous physical activity, and/or wear heavy or non-breathable work clothes have a greater risk of heat related illness. 

Several heat-related illnesses can affect workers. Some of their symptoms include:

Heat stroke – Confusion, slurred speech, unconsciousness, seizures, heavy sweating or hot, dry skin. Very high body temperature

Heat exhaustion - Fatigue, irritability, thirst, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or lightheadedness, heavy sweating, elevated body temperature or fast heart rate

Heat cramps -   Muscle spasms or pain. Usually in legs, arms, or trunk

Sunburn - Painful, red and warm skin. Blisters on skin

Heat rash - Clusters of red bumps on skin.  Often appears on neck, upper chest, and skin folds

The best engineering controls to prevent heat-related illness is to make the work environment cooler and to reduce manual workload with mechanization.   Installing air conditioning in certain areas such as break rooms could prevent heat-related illness.  Cooling fans and increased overall ventilation could assist employees to cool-down.    Usage of mechanical equipment to replace manual labor could decrease the chance of heat-related illness.

Some worksites cannot be cooled by engineering controls. At those locations, employers should modify work practices when heat stress is too high to work safely. Modifying work schedules and activities for workers who are new to warm environments will reduce heat stress.  Requiring mandatory rest breaks in a cooler environment and scheduling work at a cooler time of the day if possible could avoid heat-related illness.  Rotate job functions between workers to minimize exertion and heat exposure.   Ensure that workers drink an adequate amount of water or electrolyte-containing fluids and avoid drinking hot beverages during lunch and afternoon breaks.

The key to the prevention of worker illness due to excessive sun and heat exposure is to provide a safe working environment which is continuously monitored for worker safety. 


Stay Informed

The Comp Alliance strives to keep members informed of the latest industry and program news. Please visit us at for the latest news, updated events calendar, safety articles, safety bulletins and more.

The Alliance also encourages members to visit us on Twitter @nycompalliance and Facebook.