Topics to be covered

  • Updates on the most recent State Pandemic Guidelines – From NYS (travel restrictions, Communicable Disease Continuous Operation Plan, etc.), the CDC (mask benefits, facility improvements), plus new guidance from FDA.
  • Comp Alliance Risk Management Training Options – Virtual Training Mondays and beyond!
  • Are your staff and customers conforming with your new normal policies – and what can be done (safely) if they are not?
  • Safety Source video training programs – an update
  • Identify and alleviate stress levels in staff and customers.
  • Question and Answer session

This webinar will be offered via Zoom video conferencing and continue a series of programs offered by the Comp Alliance Risk Management Department.  During this program, we will review the processes our members have developed to maintain operations during pandemic conditions, including the latest NYS guidelines relating to travel restrictions, Operation Plans, and other safety protocols, plus CDC recommendations.  We will update the newest Risk Management training program – weekly Virtual Training programs and how to get your staff scheduled for these training programs!  Our Safety Source on-line video training partnership has been enhanced – we will review this update!  We’d also like to hear from our members and address any comments and questions you might have regarding this process or any safety-related questions – our Risk Management staff will be on-line to provide answers.  Please join us for this hour-long program to update our members on safety practices.

Please join us at 10:00 AM on 12/4 for this hour-long program to update our members on safety practices.

To register please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.