The recorded version of this webinar has been posted to the Comp Alliance Academy Webinars section for program members to view.Police Image 5

Municipal members of the Comp Alliance with law enforcement operations have the potential for police officers to sustain significant injuries while completing required job functions.  Municipal officials and law enforcement administrators should understand the cause of these first responder injuries in order to implement improvements to control them in the future. 

This webinar reviews the types of injuries sustained by police department employees, including the causes which are most frequent in number, to those that pose the most severe injury potential.  The program then reviews risk management practices to implement in an effort to decrease these police officer first responder injuries.  We include concrete, practical corrective measures to assist members in controlling the causes of these workplace injuries.   Presented by Comp Alliance, Director of Loss Control, Robert Blaisdell, and Senior Risk Control Specialist, Crista Grisanti, on March 24, 2021.